16th November 2013 - East Coast

Date: 16th November 2013 
Location: East Coast
Damage: $6 medium grey prawns, $3 small prawns
Anglers: Cowboy Fisherman papa, 阿辉 (me)

Lovely Saturday morning.. went to Marsiling market to buy some dead prawns and breakfast before heading down to East Coast..

Arrived at our usual spot and set up our gears.. Love the sunny weather after a few days of rain and the beautiful sea seems to offer much hope for the day!

Decided to try floater and whole prawn near the rocky areas since the small prawns are of good sizes.. 
really beautiful prawns with bright orange dots!! 

No luck with the floater... 
Cowboy Fisherman papa caught the first catch of the day on his surf with smaller hooks and prawn meat as bait..

Changed my floater's hook to a smaller size and used prawn meat.. managed to catch a small parrot!! 

Cowboy Fisherman papa then caught a weird looking fish on his surf again!! 
No idea what fish this is, first time seeing it.. there are a lot of tiny teeth.. quite a cute looking fish!

2 other Malay kakis were fishing there as well and one of them caught this beautiful looking blue ring angel!!
I've caught these before and they sure put up a good fight! 

The smaller prawns are really beautiful and look very tasty! hahahahas.. 

Cowboy Fisherman papa then caught a puffer! and another! and another! (only 1 pic)

No action for a long while.. 
Cowboy Fisherman papa decided to play with small floater and small hooks.. Caught this small one very near the rocky area! 

Dark clouds started to form above us and rain drops were falling on our heads.. 
quickly packed up our gears and rubbish before leaving the place.. 

A lot of rubbish around the area recently.. plastic bottles, lots of Styrofoam boxes from supermarket (like prawn packaging).. and a lot of fishing hooks/swivels packaging (those small plastic sleeves)..

hope everyone can do their part to keep the fishing spots and beaches clean..